LifeWords Readings Circles is a free lifelong learning initiative designed to help participants stay sharp and get to know their neighbors and themselves a little better.
Who can Participate:
- Area residents, ages 50+, regardless of experience with literature.
What we’ll read:
- Each meeting, we’ll discuss a handful of texts all loosely based on a particular theme.
- Genres might include short stories, informative articles, poetry, and other forms of prose.
What to Do Ahead of Time:
- If possible, go ahead and print out and read each text. We’ll have copies of the next week’s readings at each meeting, or you can find these on the events calendar. Simply click on the date in question to access.
- Consider the discussion questions provided with each selection.
What To Bring:
- Printouts of selected readings, provided at meetings or on the events calendar.
- Pen and paper for note-taking.
What We’ll Do:
- Each meeting will begin with a brief warmup of light movement, stretching, and vocal exercises.
- Discussion of each text will often begin with a historical overview regarding the time period, author information, and genre details.
- We’ll then read each text aloud, when time allows, talk generally about the discussion questions, and open the floor to individual responses to the texts. Participants will be encouraged to consider how the overarching themes and details of each piece relate to their own lives.
What We Won’t Do:
- We won’t have quizzes, tests, or essays (unless you all really want them).
- This program isn’t affiliated with a college or university